Friday, 7 August 2015

Simpulan Bahasa

  1. Abang angkat
    Lelaki yang lebih tua daripada seseorang yang tidak mempunyai pertalian keluarga tetapi dianggap sebagai abang sendiri
  2. Abang ipar
    Abang kepada isteri atau suami seseorang
  3. Abang kandung
    Abang seibu dan sebapa
  4. Abu jahal
    Orang yang suka menghalangi usaha yang baik
  5. Abu nawas
    Orang yang bijak melepaskan diri
  6. Ada angin
    Mempunyai perasaan yang tertentu mengikut keadaan
  7. Ada bakat
    Mempunyai kebolehan dalam sesuatu bidang
  8. Ada bukti
    Ada tanda atau keterangan tentang sesuatu hal atau peristiwa
  9. Ada hajat
    Mempunyai keinginan atau maksud
  10. Ada hati
    Mempunyai keinginan lebih daripada keupayaan
  11. Ada jalan
    Ada cara untuk melakukan sesuatu
  12. Air muka
    Wajah atau rupa seseorang
  13. Ajak-ajak ayam
    Tidak sungguh-sungguh mempelawa
  14. Akad nikah
    Perjanjian dalam perkahwinan
  15. Akal kancil
    Orang yang cerdik dan pandai menipu
  16. Alas cakap
    Kata pendahuluan sebelum perundingan atau perbincangan dijalankan
  17. Alas dulang
    Wang hadiah yang ditinggalkan dalam dulang
  18. Alas meja  
    Kain penutup meja
  19. Alas perut
    Makan sedikit untuk menghilangkan rasa lapar
  20. Ambil angin
  21. Ambil berat
    Memberikan perhatian
  22. Ambil hati
    Membuat sesuatu untuk menggembirakan orang lain
  23. Ambil masa
    Tidak tergopoh-gopoh; memakan masa 

                      SIMPULAN BAHASA





Thursday, 6 August 2015


Bell The Cat

There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop. Food was in plenty for them. They ate everything and spoiled all the bags. They also wasted the bread, biscuits and fruits of the shop. 

The grocer got really worried. So, he thought "I should buy a cat and let it stay at the grocery. Only then I can save my things." 

He bought a nice, big fat cat and let him stay there. The cat had a nice time hunting the mice and killing them. The mice could not move freely now. They were afraid that anytime the cat would eat them up. 

The mice wanted to do something. They held a meeting and all of them tweeted "We must get rid of the cat. Can someone give a suggestion"? 

All the mice sat and brooded. A smart looking mouse stood up and said, "The cat moves softly. That is the problem. If we can tie a bell around her neck, then things will be fine. We can know the movements of the cat". 

“Yes, that is answer,” stated all the mice. An old mouse slowly stood up and asked, "Who would tie the bell?" After some moments there was no one there to answer this question.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Super Sheepdog

Robert Sinclair has asthma. After a very bad attack he collapsed in his room and couldn't even move. He couldn't go and get help, eat or drink. He lay there for a whole week and felt very poorly. He decided he had to get help and so he wrote a note, put it in a bottle and dropped it out of his window. He hoped that someone would find it and help him. He waited.

And someone did find it: Ben! Ben isn't a person, but a very intelligent border collie dog. Ben picked up the bottle in his mouth and took it home to his human friend, Brian. Brian read the note and rushed to find Robert. He also called an ambulance, which came and took Robert to hospital. Robert got better, thanks to Ben. He will never forget the amazing dog who saved his life.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015







General Guidelines

  1. A school team should comprise of 2 or 3 students and 1 teacher.
  2. A participant may only participate in ONE category.
  3. Each school can send a maximum of 5 teams for each category.
  4. All rules and regulations are subject to change without prior notice